In Action

Exerting Effort

Glimpses from the books

In this world, many of the messages young people receive encourage them to follow quick and easy routes in search of satisfaction. DLP’s materials try to help them realize that one must continue to make an effort despite the difficult struggles life is sure to present. The book Breezes of Confirmation tells the story of four young people who are thinking about their future and seeking confirmation as they strive to identify their talents and apply them toward the benefit of others.

One of the characters in the book, Chishimba, is faced with the challenge of how to continue his studies after his father loses his job as a result of injustice.

View lesson excerpted from Breezes of Confirmation

Voices from the field

Here, a 24-year-old animator of a junior youth group speaks of the impact of understanding the relationship between hard work and accomplishment.

I can find the materials really benefiting me because in the material ‘Breezes of Confirmation’ you find motivation and it gives you some vision to work for your goals and what you are supposed to be.